The stress of coping with a situation in which your child is charged with committing a delinquent act can be overwhelming. Don’t lose hope.
The best course of action any parent can take during this time is consulting with an attorney with experience defending juvenile delinquency cases and navigating through the juvenile judicial system. If your child is between the ages of 10 and 18 and has been charged with violating the law, you need to protect his or her rights.
Click here to learn more about juvenile delinquency cases in Pennsylvania and how Attorney Novajosky can help.
Additional Information ( click here )
The role of the juvenile defender has evolved to require a complex and challenging skill set. Juvenile defense attorneys must have all the legal knowledge and courtroom skills of a criminal defense attorney representing adult defendants.
A child charged with an offense being brought into the Court system must always be represented by an attorney who is aware of the strengths and needs of their juvenile clients and of their clients’ families, communities, and other social structures.
The Juvenile Defense attorney must understand child and adolescent development to be able to communicate effectively with their clients, and to evaluate the client’s level of maturity and competency and its relevancy to the delinquency case; have knowledge of and contacts at community-based programs to compose an individualized disposition plan; be able to enlist the client’s parent or guardian as an ally without compromising the attorney-client relationship; know the intricacies of mental health and special education law, and the network of schools that may or may not be appropriate placements for the client. Finally, the attorney must be able to communicate the long- and short-term collateral consequences of a juvenile adjudication, including the possible impact on public housing, school and job applications, eligibility for financial aid, and participation in the armed forces.
Attorney Novajosky takes special care in handling Juvenile matters. As the father of two young children, he is greatly aware of the anxiety, fear and stress such a situation can bring upon a child and the family as a whole.
A highly accomplished trial lawyer at one of the country’s leading public defender offices used to tell all his supervisees, “There are two kinds of lawyers: those who know the code, and those who don’t.”
Attorney Novajosky knows the code and the nuisances of every separate jurisdiction and court system in which he handles cases.
Attorney Novajosky has had Juvenile Trials and experience in the following throughout Northeastern Pennsylvania, including Lackawanna, Luzerne, Carbon, Wayne, Pike, Monroe, Susquehanna and Wyoming counties.
Juvenile defense is a specialized area of practice. If your child is charged with a criminal offense, you need an Attorney whose experience, expertise and knowledge is equal to the challenge.